Torrents have become one of the most controversial topics on the internet, especially after many copyright holders claim that torrents have been used to distribute copyrighted and illegal content. Despite various attempts of blocking the torrent websites that are done by the government, these websites still exist up until today, and the torrent users are also not decreasing at all.
Since torrenting has been associated with illegal file sharing in the last few years, there are countries that have strict rules against torrenting. Some countries don’t allow their citizens to access any torrenting websites, and those countries might also block the use of torrent clients like BitTorrent and uTorrent, making it difficult for the citizens to share files via the torrent network. If your country belongs to the list of countries that are blocking the use of torrent clients, here are 5 ways to use the blocked torrent clients in your country:

1. Use A VPN Service That Supports Torrenting
If your favorite torrent client is being blocked by the government so that you can’t use it to transfer files via the P2P file sharing network, then you can unblock such a restriction by using a VPN service that supports torrenting. Remember that not all VPN services will allow you to use P2P file sharing network, so be sure to choose the one that allows you to do so. Once you are subscribed to a VPN service that allows torrenting, you need to install the VPN app on your desktop computer so that it can make your entire network connection private. This way, you can use all blocked apps or software without problems, including the blocked torrent client.
2. Use The Mobile Version Of The Torrent Client With VPN
In order for you to use the torrenting client without any problem, you can also use the mobile version of the torrent client combined with a mobile VPN service. This method is very straightforward and easy to follow. Just install the mobile app of the torrent software that you use and then install the VPN app on your mobile device. Before using the torrent app, you should activate the VPN app first to encrypt the connection in your mobile device. In this way, you can download and upload files via P2P file sharing on your mobile device without any restrictions.
3. Use Port 80 With Your Normal Connection
If you still want to use the normal internet connection that you have without having to install any VPN software, there is still another way to access the blocked torrent client. In the preferences of your torrent client, you can change the port number to 80, which is the port number used in the regular HTTP data transmissions, and it is slower than the regular port used by your ISP. As long as your ISP is not blocking the port forwarding feature of your torrent client, you can use this port to bypass your ISP’s restrictions to use the torrent client.
4. Use A Web Proxy That Supports Torrenting
If your government is shutting down the torrent clients, you can still download torrents by using a web proxy that supports torrent downloading. While there are still many web proxies that have very limited features and generally low quality service, there are some web proxies that support torrent downloading and high-speed video streaming. When you use this type of web proxy, you can take advantage from the free service that it offers, as well as the torrenting feature that it has.
5. Change Your DNS With A Smart DNS
A smart DNS is another option that you can have when you experience any problem in accessing the torrenting network via the torrent client. By simply changing your DNS address with the address of a smart DNS, you can easily bypass the restrictions as imposed by your government, and it makes it possible for you to use the torrent client normally. It is a simple and quick step that you can do to change your normal DNS to a private DNS that doesn’t have any restrictions associated with it.
Those are the ways to use the blocked torrenting clients in your country. While torrenting might be associated with piracy, not all files that are shared via the P2P network are pirated or illegal files. For instance, many schools and businesses are still using P2P network to share files with their students and employees. So, when torrent clients are blocked in your country, these methods can help you regain the access to the P2P file sharing network back to you.