7 Ways VPN Can Protect You From Hacker Attacks

Hacker attacks have become quite common today, and with that, many companies are trying to improve their security using various ways. This is because there are lots of companies that have been affected by these hacker attacks, which forced them to change the way they protect their customer data. For the average internet users, hacker attacks are also common, with more occurrence of social media account hacks, phishing emails, credit card hacks, and so on. This also forces many people to improve their security while doing their online activity, such as by installing antivirus, firewall, anti-malware, and VPN software.

The situation is made worse with many people, especially those who are enthusiastic toward IT or technology in general, interested to learn about hacking, which is something they considered a cool thing to do. This way, even the average people with a limited knowledge about coding can hack into someone’s account or network to steal various things, such as WiFi passwords, credit card information, and so on. Here are 7 ways VPN can protect you from hacker attacks:

1. It Hides Your IP Address With Various Layers Of Encryption

Your real IP address can reveal many things about your real identity. That’s why you shouldn’t expose your IP address too carelessly when you are online. The VPN connection that you use can help you to hide your IP address, and mask it with the IP address of the private servers. Moreover, it will further hide your real IP address with various layers of encryption, depending on the VPN service that you use. The point is that, with this private connection, you will be able to hide your real IP address from hackers, so that they cannot find your real information.

2. Hackers Are “Blind” When They Try To See Your Internet Traffic

When you use a virtual private network connection, you are actually encrypting all the internet traffic that comes and goes in your device. With normal connection, this type of encryption can only be found in certain websites, or certain pages, such as banking websites, online shopping websites, payment pages, and so on. With a VPN, you will apply this type of encryption for all websites that you visit, whether they have any secure encryption or not. This is because you are actually encrypting your internet traffic all the time when you use a private connection. In this way, hackers will not be able to see your data transmission at all.

3. Hackers Use VPN To Cover Their Tracks

The funny thing about VPN is that, while it can protect you from hacker attacks, hackers are also using VPN to cover their tracks, so that they cannot be monitored by the authorities. Mind you, many hackers are cyber criminals that are being pursued by the authorities in many countries all the time. So, hackers also need to hide themselves so that they are not easily caught. One of the tools that they use to cover their online tracks is the virtual private connection. So, since even the hackers trust VPN to cover their online tracks, that’s enough reason for you to use VPN to hide your tracks from hackers as well.

4. All Sensitive Information Is Fully And Strongly Encrypted

During your browsing session, you might need to transmit various types of sensitive information to the cloud. For instance, you might need to enter your passwords on certain websites. You might need to back up your important files to the cloud storage. Or, you might need to put your credit card information in your online transactions. If you are not careful, and if you are using a network connection that is not secure, such as in public places, hackers can easily steal this information from you. But, with a private connection, they cannot do that since all sensitive information is fully and strongly encrypted with the most advanced security encryption method.

5. VPN Comes With Protection From Malicious Threats

There are many VPN software that provides a native protection against malicious threats, such as spyware, Trojans, viruses, adware, and so on. So, when you install the software from your chosen VPN service, your connection will automatically be protected from these malicious threats. The VPN service will even warn you when you are visiting malicious websites that might harm your computer. This way, hackers can’t penetrate your device or install any malicious software on your device without your permission.

6. Each Browsing Session Is Fully Encrypted

When you use a VPN, whatever you do during your browsing session is hidden from any third parties. The government cannot monitor your activity. Your ISP cannot see what you are doing online. The websites that you visit cannot spy on your browsing habit. Each browsing session is fully encrypted, meaning that only you know what you are doing online. Hackers cannot even know that you are online.

7. VPN Hides Your Real Identity From Hackers

For persistent hackers, they will try to find the real identity of their victims, so that they can use this information to their advantage. They can ask for ransom for this information, or they can spread it to the public. The good thing about VPN is that it hides your real identity from hackers, as well as from any other third parties that want to know about your real identity online. Since your IP address is hidden, your real identity cannot be tracked by anyone.

Those are 7 ways VPN can protect you from hacker attacks. Make sure that you take the necessary measures to keep your internet browsing safe from hackers, including by using secure network connections, installing firewall and antivirus in your device, and keeping your sensitive information private. Then, you can use VPN to enhance your online security and privacy to give an even stronger protection against hackers.

1 thought on “7 Ways VPN Can Protect You From Hacker Attacks”

  1. So if I have PC Matic installed on my computer, is that the same thing as a VPN or do I need VPN instead or in addition to PC Matic?

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