5 Ways To Make Your VPN Connection Hidden From Your Government DPI System

When you are living or staying in a restrictive country where personal rights are usually getting scrapped away, you will most likely have a problem when trying to access certain websites on the internet. Most of the time, the restrictive countries are enforcing their internet laws to their citizens, forcing them to follow the guidelines as laid out by the government. The government will totally control the people’s behavior over the internet by using the technology that won’t allow them to exercise their online privacy rights or personal freedom on the internet. One of the methods used by the restrictive government to block your online traffic is by using a system called DPI or Deep Packet Inspection.

What the DPI system is doing is that it will analyze the internet traffic that is coming through your ISP. It will identify your traffic type and either allow the traffic to reach the internet or block it. If you are using the regular ISP traffic, the system will allow you to access the internet, while if you are using the VPN traffic, the system can recognize it and block your connection from reaching the internet. This is an advanced traffic monitoring system installed by the restrictive government to prevent people from using private connections and force them to follow the government’s internet regulations. Here are 5 ways to make your VPN connection hidden from your government DPI system:

1. Use A VPN Service That Allows You To Bypass The DPI System

The private connection technology that is required to bypass the DPI system is quite advanced, and not all VPN services will offer you this technology. Yes, all VPN services will allow you to bypass the government restrictions of most countries in the world, allowing their users to access the websites blocked by the government, as well as the websites that are not usually available in their countries. However, as in the case with the DPI system, the government uses a very advanced encryption system that makes it almost impossible for a regular VPN connection to bypass the restrictions. This is why you need to use a private connection service that allows you to bypass the DPI system with their own proprietary encryption method.

2. Use The Obfsproxy With OpenVPN

If the private connection is using the regular PPTP or L2TP protocol to access the blocked website, it won’t be able to bypass the deep packet inspection installed by the government of the restrictive country. This type of private traffic will be recognized as a private traffic and it will be blocked by the government. OpenVPN, on the other hand, is currently the strongest and most customizable VPN protocol that anybody can use to create a private connection that cannot be detected by the DPI system. You can do that by using the Obfsproxy on your OpenVPN setup. It is the type of proxy that obfuscate your internet traffic, making it possible for you to be undetected by the government.

3. Use The Tor Browser

The Tor browser has been known as the best privacy browser that anybody can use for probably more than a decade. When you use this browser, you will be able to hide your traffic completely from the government monitoring system. In fact, the Obfsproxy mentioned earlier was a part of the Tor project with the main purpose to bypass restrictive system like DPI, making it possible for you to access blocked websites without any problems. By simply using the Tor browser, you can easily surf the internet from the restrictive country anonymously, without allowing the government to detect or monitor your traffic.

4. Use OpenVPN Over SSL Connection

When it comes to achieving the internet freedom on the restrictive countries, OpenVPN is the best encryption protocol for you to use. Moreover, it has its own dedicated software or app that you can use and customize for yourself. In other words, you don’t need to subscribe to any VPN service if you want to use the OpenVPN protocol. As long as you know how to set up a private connection with it and have access to the private servers, you can use this protocol independently. The trick to bypass the DPI system is to use OpenVPN over SSL connection. Although this method can help you bypass the DPI protection, it can only be used for TCP data transmissions, which means that it can be slow in performance.

5. Use A Patched OpenVPN Connection

You can also patch the OpenVPN protocol so that you can create a customized private connection that can bypass the DPI check from the government. By doing this, you will be able to access all blocked websites even if they are protected by the DPI system. You can patch your OpenVPN configuration using a patch called xorpatch, which gives you the VPN access to limited country locations, such as Israel and France. This is quite a complicated step to do, but once you’ve successfully patched the OpenVPN protocol, you can easily bypass the DPI system from your government by connecting to the private servers located in supported countries.

Those are the ways to make your VPN connection hidden from your government’s DPI system. If you are living in a country where the government is very restrictive about which websites that you can access and which websites that you can’t access, it is better to apply one of these tricks to bypass your government’s DPI system and enjoy your online privacy and freedom by doing so.